TOTAL ENGLISH IMMERSION – Skype and in-Person Lessons
Option A
Sessions: 10 weeks
Length of class: 1 hour
Investment: $ 1,000.00
Option B
Sessions: 10 weeks + one free*
Length of class: 2 hours
Investment: $ 1,700.00
*Free 11th class for 10 sessions completed in 12 weeks
Do you feel you need help with just about everything? Maybe starting with speaking skills and pronunciation, and going from there? Or starting with other skills and eventually covering a few skills?
In this course, James will correct you and guide you (as necessary) in just about every aspect of the English language. All of James’ courses are individualized, even in small groups. In addition, James does not work from a curriculum. Each class depends on your needs. Although James strives to be organized, he is a creative and dynamic teacher, sometimes creating new exercises and techniques in the moment.
Students will have ample opportunity to speak and receive corrections. Questions are always welcome in James’ classes. This course presents students with the option to cover almost everything and anything English, depending on the duration of the course.
Skills that can be selected and covered in this course:
- Speaking and Conversation - Presentations and Speeches
- Pronunciation and Accent Reduction - Fluency Expressions and Idioms
- Listening Comprehension - Writing
- Business Fluency - Grammar (including prepositions)
- American Culture - American Cultural Training
- Note-Taking